New replacement building at TU Dortmund University for chemistry and physics


Innovative research building for chemistry and physics at TU Dortmund University

The new research building for the Departments of Chemistry and Physics at the Technical University of Dortmund sets new standards in the design of scientific working environments. Particular attention has been paid to the integration of Wittmunder Klinker clinker brick, which not only enhances the aesthetics of the building but also emphasises its claim to sustainability.

The use of Wittmunder Klinker clinker brick gives the research building a facade that promises robustness and durability, while at the same time impressing with its natural texture and colouring. This traditional building material blends harmoniously into the campus and forms an attractive contrast to the modern, glass research facilities.

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Wittmunder Klinker - TU Dortmund Chemie Physik - Verblendklinker

Important visual accents

The overall impression of the grading depends on the other elements of the facade. These include joint colour, window frames, railings, etc., which set important visual accents.

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