
Sittig Architekten

Sustainability meets science

The "Bioscience Jena" project is establishing itself as a forward-looking research centre in Jena that demonstrates both ecological responsibility and aesthetic quality through the use of Wittmunder Klinker clinker brick. This material gives the building a natural facade, which is valued for its durability and ecological properties, and supports the ambition to embed sustainability in the research infrastructure.

The Wittmunder Klinker clinker brick harmonises perfectly with the innovative orientation of the centre and promotes a working environment that stimulates innovation in the field of life sciences. "Bioscience Jena" impressively demonstrates how modern research facilities can become pioneers in sustainability by combining functional architecture and traditional building materials.

Used sorting

Wittmunder Klinker - Bioscience in Jena - Fassade nah

Important visual accents

The overall impression of the grading depends on the other elements of the facade. These include joint colour, window frames, railings, etc., which set important visual accents.

The sorting used is an object-related sorting. A similar sorting can be created for you on request.

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